!!! ATTENTION: Effective July 17, 2024 — Seed-N-Tree Farms's hours have changed, please see our new hours for more information. !!!


Seed N Tree began more than 35 years ago. Two young men were sent into a field of birch trees to rustle up a few for a local landscaper. They returned with more then were needed. When they asked their boss what they should do with the extra trees, he replied, call around to the local nurseries. They were offered $8.00 a tree by Mann Liser of Alaska greenhouses and Seed N Tree was born.

Since then we have purchased 18 acres here in the Knik valley. Our first trees went in the ground here in 1990, and we have been expanding ever since. Growing species that were never farmed in Alaska, introducing and supplying them to the local market. Growing, and displaying the products we sell so they can be seen at a more mature size.

We have well over 100 species growing here, labeled with both botanical and common names. We have expanded our perennial production. We offer large shrub B&B supply, and homeowner installation services. We continue to strive to remove unwanted weeds from root balls and container products. Here at our farm we only carry zone 4 or colder material. We try and make sure when the customer leaves our farm they understand what they are getting, how to care for it. Some facts, and a bit of the plants history or origin.

Customers can expect an outdoor experience. We are IN the elements. As Alaskans know that means prepare yourself for your visit. Heat, wind, dust, cool rainy days, and muddy roadways are to be expected. Bring the kids!



Our goal has always been to alleviate the landscaper from the cost of shipping material from the lower 48 states.

To use native Alaskan plants as part of our farmed trees & nursery stock, taking a local resource & turning it into cash and jobs.

To give the homeowner a place to see the success of the product they are purchasing, knowing it can handle our winters, and seeing its growth habits.

To continue to trial different species so we can offer a wider variety of solid winter hardy ornamental trees and shrubs.

Providing an alternative to buying from box store nurseries, and giving our customers a feeling when they leave that they bought something that will be a part of their landscape for many years to come.

To grow, provide, and plant winter hardy trees and shrubs that will not just survive, but thrive and grow to specimen size in our brutal northern thaw freeze climate.